We are monitoring the situation surrounding the Coronavirus very closely and will communicate with all registrants via email as early as possible should it become apparent that it will impact the quality of the event that we can produce.

Accommodation, food and drink, and sessions are fully complimentary within your membership.

If you wish to extend your stay, please contact Rachael at rtoovey@alm.com.
General Counsel of a senior level are allowed to request an invitation. Please contact Sarika at ssandhu@alm.com.
Absolutely, we welcome guests! The plus one package includes double occupancy and an invitation to dinner. Kindly note that guests are not allowed to attend the forum sessions. If they are interested they must purchase a conference ticket.

Yes, we are happy for a senior member of your team to attend if the lead member cannot make it.

The dress code for the retreat is athleisure during the day and smart casual in the evening.