203 Running your Business: Managing your Outside Resources
Date & Time
Thursday, October 17, 2019, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Lauren Fisher Monica Wahba Megan Ryan Kim Pagotto Kirsten Hoffman
Evaluating and managing third-party relationships is a difficult but vital part of being an effective leader. Additionally, as legal operations departments continue to evaluate and scrutinize the cost of resources balancing your technology providers, outside-counsel and more is a growing priority. These requirements are forcing many in-house departments to function more like a business with the GC balancing the roles of CEO, CFO, HR, and GC. This session will review best strategies for running an effective in-house department. - How to spot the skills that you need to improve as leaders - Leadership skills development/training available to you - Which skills apply to different scenarios - Suggestions to leverage technical and procedural solutions