Adapting to the Chaos: Effectively Handling Labour & Employment Changes
Date & Time
Monday, August 12, 2024, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Cassie Howman-Giles Katrin O'Sullivan Amanda Lyras

With a myriad of substantial new and amended labour & employment laws pending or going into effect soon, employers need to be aware of the many nuances and considerations of the changing regulation. Join this session to discover the laws your business may be subject to and discuss ways GCs can minimize the likelihood of costly fines and potential lawsuits down the road. Our expert panelists will share best practices for in-house counsel to deal with these changing landscapes including unfair contract terms, remote workforce, Respect at Work, and the residual effects on policies. Attendees will leave this session with a better understanding of the effects of changes and enforcements on businesses and what it means for their legal teams.

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Supported by: Clayton Utz

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Clayton Utz
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Supported by: Clayton Utz