For all categories, please review the descriptions below, but please note that the full nomination questionnaire is only available in the awardsforce portal. You must register and login to view questions. Please log in early in the nominations process so you are aware of all requirements for each category you’re interested in.

Texas Lawyer takes a comprehensive approach to judging and we consider various factors when making decisions, including but not limited to the amount or significance of the issue at stake in the work described; the impact or innovative nature of the work; diversity; practice area; and pro bono work.

Texas Lawyer is committed to diversity and strongly encourages the legal community to highlight and promote their diverse attorneys when considering and preparing submissions.

As well as recognizing achievements from Texas-based AmLaw firms, we will also be looking to honor mid-market firms in Texas state.

We can accept confidential information as long as it is clearly marked. While we make our best efforts, we cannot guarantee keeping all sensitive information confidential so firms must submit at their own discretion. Please note that submissions with a large amount of confidential information might not be as competitive as other submissions.

This award goes to the lawyer who in 2023 had the biggest impact on the law or the Texas legal community or did the most to advance the cause of justice. (To be sure, some of this work may have originated before 2023 and/or extended into 2024.)  Please submit a 500-word essay describing why this nominee deserves to win, as well as a color portrait headshot. 

This category is designed to recognize lawyers who have helped less-experienced colleagues become better lawyers. The relationship between mentors and mentees need not be formal. 

Please submit a 500-word essay describing why this nominee deserves to win, as well as a color portrait headshot. We also request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.

This is either a minority who has overcome insurmountable odds to achieve success, or it’s a lawyer who’s had an outsized influence on inclusivity initiatives to make people of all backgrounds feel welcomed at their firm or organization. Please tell us in up to 500 words about anyone who fits this description, using examples of what they did during 2023. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.

Open to Texas-based lawyers from public or private companies and organizations

This recognizes an in-house lawyer who had a significant accomplishment in 2023. Please submit an essay of up to 500 words that describes the nominee’s skills, strategies and results, as well as a color portrait headshot. We also request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected.

Open to Anyone in the Texas Legal Community

This award seeks to honor innovative efforts by individual lawyers and legal professionals. Their innovation could be technology-oriented, but it doesn’t have to be. We want to hear about attorneys and legal professionals who have come up with game-changing ideas for their practices or organizations and who were then able to turn that vision into reality. Please submit an essay of up to 500 words describing why this person is a legal innovator. We also request a color portrait headshot and a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected.

Please tell us in up to 400 words about anyone living who has left a lasting imprint on the Texas legal community. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.

We also request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected.

The competition is open to any size law firm with a Texas presence; Texas lawyers must have had a significant impact on the work being presented, though the work can extend beyond Texas.

Litigation Department of the Year: General Litigation Nomination

Litigation Results
Describe, in 500 words or less for each result, six to eight litigation that occurred between January 1, 2022, and Dec. 31, 2023. These should be results that demonstrate your department’s excellence. This list can and should include trial and appellate results and could include pro bono results. For each result, please include the names of clients, lead partners and opposing counsel, as well as contact information for all involved whenever possible. Descriptions of results should include specific dollar amounts where relevant.

Biggest Loss
Briefly describe your firm’s biggest litigation loss in the past two years, with names of opposing counsel.

Three Upcoming Matters
Give a brief description of three upcoming matters for your firm.

Litigation Department 500-Word Essay
Write an essay, in 500 words or less, explaining why your firm should be recognized, such as overcoming specific challenges and achieving specific goals.

Litigation Department Q&A
There is an additional response section to several questions – this section will be published if the nominee is selected. Please log into the awardsportal to view the Q&A.

Litigation Department of the Year: Specialty Practice Nomination

We will be accepting nominations in these practice categories:
  • Real Estate
  • Finance
  • Intellectual Property
  • Products Liability/Mass Torts
  • Labor and Employment
  • Insurance
  • Professional Liability
  • Class Action

You may submit nominations for more than one litigation subcategory, but separate submissions will be expected for each. The nomination will include:

Litigation Results 
Describe, in 500 words or less for each result, six to eight litigation that occurred between January 1, 2022, and Dec. 31, 2023. These should be results that demonstrate your department’s excellence. This list can and should include trial and appellate results and could include pro bono results. For each result, please include the names of clients, lead partners and opposing counsel, as well as contact information for all involved whenever possible. Descriptions of results should include specific dollar amounts where relevant.

Biggest Loss
Briefly describe your firm’s biggest litigation loss in the past two years, with names of opposing counsel.

Three Upcoming Matters
Give a brief description of three upcoming matters for your firm

Litigation Department 500-Word Essay
Write an essay, in 500 words or less, explaining why your firm should be recognized, such as overcoming specific challenges and achieving specific goals.

Litigation Department Q&A
There is an additional response section to several questions – this section will be published if the nominee is selected. Please log into the awardsportal to view the Q&A.

This award highlights major transactions in Texas. Areas can include, but aren’t limited to, corporate, M&A, venture capital, bankruptcy, tax, and real estate. To qualify, the bulk of the nominee’s work should be completed in 2023. Please submit a 400-word nomination explaining why this person was the best dealmaker in Texas in 2023. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi. We also request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected.

This award recognizes Texas’ most promising lawyers under the age of 40 as of the nomination deadline. Please tell us, in up to 400 words, about folks who have wielded influence in their practice areas in Texas and beyond. They should be innovators, developing unique practice niches, amassing robust books of business, demonstrating strong leadership qualities, showing expertise in litigation, in-house or transactional work and committing themselves to pro bono, charitable and professional volunteer work. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi. 

How has this attorney excelled in the area of real estate law? Please submit a 400-word nomination explaining why they deserve to win, focusing on accomplishments from 2023 and highlighting cases/transactions that have stood out. We also request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.

How has this attorney excelled in the area of IP law? Please submit a 400-word nomination explaining why they deserve to win, focusing on accomplishments from 2023 and highlighting cases that have stood out. We also request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.

How has this attorney excelled in the area of energy law? Please submit a 400-word nomination explaining why they deserve to win, focusing on accomplishments from 2023 and highlighting cases that have stood out. We also request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.

This award honors Texas’ best women lawyers who have made a remarkable difference in the legal profession. We honor the trailblazers, advocates and leaders who have demonstrated exceptional skill in their fields and dedication to advancing equality. From breaking barriers in the workplace to championing important causes in our communities, these remarkable women inspire us. 

Please submit a short essay (400 words or less) about why this nominee deserves recognition in this particular category. We also request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.

This prestigious award goes to the law firm that accumulates the most honors across Texas Legal Awards categories. To be considered, firms must submit to at least these categories: Litigation Departments of the Year, or Dealmakers; On the Rise; Best Mentors or Lifetime Achievement; Diversity and Inclusion.

This award recognizes a lawyer who has had inspiring success on a 2023 pro bono case or who dedicated a notable amount of their time in 2023 to pro bono work to achieve meaningful results. 

Please submit a short essay (400 words or less) about why this nominee deserves recognition in this particular category. We also request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected. Please include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.

The winning entry should demonstrate business leadership prowess during the relevant time period of 2023 through the submission period. Winning entries will show notable initiatives and/or successes around law firm management, whether that deals internally with anything from talent to technology or externally with clients or the public.

Please submit an essay (600 words or less) about why this nominee deserves recognition in this particular category. Data to back up the noted successes of any initiative or leadership endeavors is encouraged, and could include financial data, statistical improvements, success of programs or work won. The entry should not just be about firm wide initiatives, but should specifically demonstrate the nominee's role in the firm's success. The Managing Partner of the Year entry will demonstrate how this person's leadership and guidance of the institution made a notable difference for the institution, its people, its clients and/or society at large.

We request a short Q&A from the honoree that will be published if they are selected. Please also include a high-resolution color photo of the nominee, at least 200 dpi.