Send us submissions in the following categories, and please log into the awardsforce nomination portal early to view full nomination questionnaires. We cannot grant extensions to nominators who do not review the full questionnaire in time for the deadline.

Please note the following for New Jersey Legal Awards:

  • Some categories require a certificate of good standing. Nominations for all Individual Attorneys must submit a Certificate of Good Standing, Certification of Court of Last Resort or alternative letter (see here for more information). You can upload a copy in the awards portal. If you do not have a copy of this letter upon submission, you need to certify that one will be sent if the nominee is selected.
  • Each firm is limited to three nominations per category.
  • Confidential information will be accepted, but please note that while our policy is not to publish confidential information, any confidential information submitted by a firm or company is done so at their own discretion and risk. Confidential information must be clearly marked within a submission. Nominations with a large portion of confidential information might not be considered as competitive.
  • And in keeping with tradition, we’ll assemble panels of esteemed members of the New Jersey Legal Community to assist our editorial staff in evaluating two of our most competitive categories: Attorney of the Year and New Leaders of the Bar.
  • Unless otherwise specified, all contest periods should be from Jan. 1, 2023 through the submission deadline.


This award will go to the firm that has the best and most meritorious submissions across multiple categories. The purpose of the award is to recognize the NJ firm that has demonstrated a broad spectrum of achievements in the past year and talent depth. In order to be considered, firms must enter submissions across multiple categories. At a minimum, firms must submit in the following categories: New Leaders of the Bar, Lifetime and/or Mentors, Litigation and/or Dealmakers. Please register and log into the awards portal to view all nomination questions.

Essay: There is no essay required for this category.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the firm is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

Attorneys yet to reach the age of 40 before the submission deadline who bring both notable achievements and outstanding potential to the table. Nominees can be from law firms, corporate legal departments, or other types of organizations. Achievements as a practitioner, businessperson, organization leader and member of the legal community in New Jersey all are considered. Please register and log into the awards portal to view all nomination questions.

Essay: Please submit a brief letter/essay of up to 500 words on why this nominee should win in this category.  Additional information about the nominee is required, please log into the awardforce portal to see the full questionnaire.

Photo and Practice Profile: Please submit a photo of the nominee. There is also a short practice profile about the nominee that is required -- this section will be published if the nominee is selected.

Recognizing a single attorney who has left a mark on the profession through consistent excellence in his or her career by moving the law forward, achieving significant litigation results, or otherwise making an impact.

Essay: Send a brief essay (up to 500 words) introducing the candidate, and explaining why he or she deserves the recognition.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (750 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

The name speaks for itself, but the ideal candidate will have made his or her mark on the profession, and in the law, with an achievement in the past year that goes beyond service to the client. 

Essay: Submit a brief essay (up to 500 words) introducing the candidate, and explaining why he or she made the greatest impact of all during the year. Please register and log into the awards portal to view all nomination questions.

While New Jersey boasts excellent litigators, it is also home to talented and hardworking transactional lawyers. We're looking for nominations of a practitioner or group in corporate, M&A, real estate, bankruptcy or another transactional practice explaining how that practitioner or group achieved excellence in 2023.

Essay: Send an essay of up to 500 words nominating an attorney or practice for this category. Please register and log into the awards portal to view all nomination questions. 

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (750 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

It takes talent and determination to become an excellent practitioner, but teaching others is a talent unto itself. Good mentors can take those around them to the next level, whether through formal mentorship programs or simply serving as good leaders and guides.

Essay: In a brief essay of up to 500 words, tell us about someone at your firm or organization who takes the time and effort to be a true mentor, and why he or she excels at it.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

Whether it’s drafting an important brief or contract, working with experts or other witnesses, arguing a case that went unreported, or being a strong business generator or firm leader, much of the excellent work done each day in New Jersey is a credit to those working long hours behind the scenes. Nominate an individual practitioner who is indispensable to the efforts of the firm or organization.

Essay: Send a nomination essay up to 500 words nominating someone at your firm or organization who deserves more recognition for their hard work.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

Awards will go out to both solo practitioners/small firms and larger firms/corporate in-house legal departments that have made strides in innovation. This can include technology and communications, business or cultural innovations, including such improvements as renovations, remodels and consolidations. We are looking for people or firms that are tackling legal and/or business of law issues creatively, be that through technology, networking, design, communications or other areas.

Essay: Send an essay of up to 500 words nominating an attorney, firm or legal department for this category.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

The work of in-house lawyers is often unheralded, but those lawyers are impacting the practice of law, and those around them, every day. This honor recognizes a general counsel, legal department or in-house attorney who had a significant accomplishment in 2023. Categories include, but are not limited to, outside counsel management, diversity, pro bono and community service, and general excellence.

Essay: Send us an essay of up to 500 words nominating an in-house attorney deserving of this recognition. 

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

Law firms, tell us why your litigation groups excelled in 2023, by resolving matters for clients, working on significant appeals, handling cases that lead to impactful court decisions or other changes in the law, and otherwise achieving the status of strong and effective advocate. Open to law firms with a New Jersey office. Please register and log into the awards portal to view all nomination questions and requirements, as we ask for contacts, firm states, litigation results, biggest loss, upcoming matters, Q&A and more, including:

General Litigation Category List of Cases: Describe 5-10 litigation results that demonstrate your department’s excellence.

  • This list can and should include trial and appellate results and could include pro bono results.
  • The results must have occurred between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2023.
  • Keep descriptions of each individual case under 500 words.
  • Each result must have been achieved by lawyers when they were members of your firm. Do not include results achieved by lateral hires when they were working for a different firm. Please highlight work done by New Jersey lawyers.
  • For each result, please include the names of clients, lead partners and opposing counsel.
  • Descriptions of results should include specific dollar amounts where relevant, but should focus on why the result demonstrates the excellence of your department.

General Litigation Essay: Write an essay explaining why your firm should be a finalist. Describe what makes your firm stand out. Did you face specific challenges over the past two years? Did your litigation department have specific goals that it achieved? How is your firm pushing litigation in a new direction? Essay should be no longer than 1,000 words.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (750 word limit) that will be published if the firm is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

Law firms, tell us why your litigation groups excelled in 2023, by resolving matters for clients, working on significant appeals, handling cases that lead to impactful court decisions or other changes in the law, and otherwise achieving the status of strong and effective advocate. Submission in one or multiple categories is welcome. Open to law firms with a New Jersey office.

The New Jersey Law Journal’s New Jersey Litigation Departments of the Year contest will have two distinct portions: a general contest to award the top department in general litigation, as well as a contest to determine the top specialty practice departments. The competition is open to law firms with a New Jersey presence; New Jersey lawyers must have had a significant impact on the work being presented, though the work does not need to have been done in New Jersey.

Specific and verifiable information is expected whenever possible to help in the decision process. If your client was represented by more than one firm, please specify your firm’s role in the matter and why it was helpful to the client. Adding color helps paint the picture of why your department stands apart. We would like as much information as possible, even if some is confidential and can’t be published. Clearly mark any confidential information, but please do not make the entire submission confidential.

The specialty contest will award departments focused in each of six areas:

  • Class Action
  • Insurance
  • Labor & Employment
  • Products Liability
  • Appellate
  • Intellectual Property

You are welcome to compete in more than one specialty category, but separate submissions will be expected for each. Please log into the portal for full nomination questionnaires.

Describe 5 to 10 litigation results that demonstrate your department’s excellence in this specialty.

  • This list should include both trial and appellate work.
  • The results must have occurred between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2023.
  • Keep descriptions of each individual case under 500 words.
  • Each result must have been achieved by lawyers when they were members of your firm. Do not include results achieved by lateral hires when they were working for a different firm. Please highlight work done by New Jersey lawyers.
  • For each result, please include the names of clients, lead partners and opposing counsel, as well as contact information for all involved whenever possible.
  • Descriptions of results should include specific dollar amounts where relevant, but should focus on why the result demonstrates the excellence of your department.

Briefly describe your firm's biggest litigation loss in the past two years, with names of opposing counsel.

Give a brief description of three upcoming matters for your firm.

Specialty Practice Essay
Write an essay explaining why your firm should be a finalist in this specialty area. Describe what makes your firm stand out in the given specialty. Did you face specific challenges over the past two years? Did your litigation department have specific goals that it achieved? Why does your firm excel in this specific area? Essay should be no longer than 1,000 words.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (750 word limit) that will be published if the firm is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

Do you know a lawyer or law firm that has made a significant contribution to diversity and inclusion efforts in New Jersey's legal community? Awards will be presented for both individual attorneys and law firms that have made substantial progress in improving their firm's diversity and inclusion efforts both internally in-house as well as in the legal community.

Essay: Send an essay up to 500 words of an attorney or firm deserving of this recognition.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

This is a new and special category that allows associates and partners a chance to nominate their favorite leaders in the region. What has your managing partner done to ensure success at their office? Mention concrete examples and accomplishments of this leader in the region and in this particular office.

Essay: Please provide an essay of up to 500 words on why this leader deserves to win, and any accomplishments achieved as leader of this office.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

How has your firm excelled in the banking and finance industry? We are looking for law firms that excelled in working in cases regarding regulatory compliance, transactions, securities law, corporate finance, financial regulation and compliance, bankruptcy, etc. Any firms with a presence in New Jersey that had a stellar year in their banking and finance law practice or department is encouraged to submit a nomination.

Essay: Send an essay up to 500 words of why your firm is deserving of this recognition.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the firm is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

How has your firm excelled in real estate law this past year?  Please highlight recent accomplishments and contribute a short essay why your firm deserves this award. We welcome nominations for cases on any and all aspects of real estate law in the state, including titles, deeds, zoning, estate planning, property taxes, land use, ownership, etc.

Essay: Send an essay up to 500 words of why your firm is deserving of this recognition.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the firm is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

How has this attorney contributed to the region in their pro bono work? Please highlight recent accomplishments, the impact the attorney has made, and contribute a short essay why they deserve this award. We would like to see concrete examples of how this attorney's pro bono work has benefited the legal community in New Jersey, or how they have helped the local community with their work. Examples of mentorship, advocacy, and any other information that may be relevant is also welcome in the submission.

Essay: Send an essay up to 500 words of an attorney who is deserving of this recognition.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

How has this attorney excelled in IP Law? Please highlight recent accomplishments in any or all intellectual property law in the state, including trademark, copyright, patents, etc., and contribute a short essay why they deserve this award. We focus on work within the last year, but you can also include work from recent years if it is relevant.

Essay: Send an essay up to 500 words of an attorney who is deserving of this recognition.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the nominee is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

We’re looking to highlight practices that had an outsized impact on cannabis law in 2023. No longer only a niche practice, cannabis law in more recent years has seen entry by firms of all sizes. Focus on how the firm has handled the changing world of cannabis law, and we welcome cases from the past year, plus a history of recent years if it is relevant. Please highlight legal accomplishments in this industry, and contribute a short essay outlining why the nominated firm deserves this award.

Essay: Send an essay up to 500 words of why your firm is deserving of this recognition.

Q&A: There is a short Q&A portion of a few short responses (500 word limit) that will be published if the firm is selected. Please register and log into the awards portal to view these questions.

If you start your nominations now you will receive notifications so you don't forget the deadline! You can also go in just to check out the form and complete at a later date.