Roundtable 6: Change Management: How to Create a Culture of Resilience, Change & Innovation
Date & Time
Monday, October 2, 2023, 12:35 PM - 2:00 PM
Yuliya LaRoe Joanne Newborn

Whether it’s a recession, pandemic, merger, acquisition, downsizing, restructuring, or even simply new leadership, change happens. Moreover, change is inevitable and necessary for growth. Regardless of this, change can significantly impact people on physical, mental, and emotional levels and can wreak havoc on productivity. As changes within an organization and externally impact the way companies are run, it is increasingly important for in-house lawyers to be pioneers for change. Attend this roundtable to receive practical strategies for implementing change and boosting innovation without resistance, especially following times of crisis and disruption, including:

  • Explore the Kübler-Ross Change Model to understand the natural cycle and impacts of transformational change

  • Discuss the role of a “growth mindset” in driving innovation and how in-house attorneys can cultivate it for themselves and their teams

  • Exchange strategies for strengthening resilience and managing burnout during times of transformational change