401 Data Breach Investigation: What You Need to Know and How to Protect Yourself
Date & Time
Thursday, October 17, 2019, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Laura Heltebran Megan Gordon Carrie Parikh Tiffany Baughman
A data breach occurs, whats next? Once it is determined that a breach has occurred there are a series of steps the legal department should take to determine the size of the impact, how the attack occurred, and how to prevent future attacks. This process will involve an investigation and potentially litigation. Therefore, having a strategic plan in place prior to a breach is imperative. This session will cover: -The aspects of a data breach investigation: what tools are needed, who should lead this process, and what results to expect - Planning for a breach: determining what strategies need to be in place prior to an incident -Understanding the potential for litigation post breach -Strategies for preventing a breach