When Two Worlds Collide: Successful Integration Techniques for Today’s M&As
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
David Flavell David Le Karishma Kadian Gina Passarella

With M&A on the rise and cross-industry M&A becoming ever more common, nearly every legal department will be affected by it at some point. Identifying the intricacies of these situations is only the start. It is important to understand the precise impact these will have on the process and the risk they may pose later down the line. 

  • Review strategies for avoiding common pitfalls
  • Aligning with the wider business initiatives
  • Managing the integration process within your legal team and wider business
  • Identifying risk at the first instance

David Flavell, SVP, Deputy General Counsel & Chief Compliance & Ethics Officer, PepsiCo

David Le, VP, Associate General Counsel, Lyft

Karishma Kadian, General Counsel, Prizeout