Perfecting your pitch (“PYP”) is a virtual D&I skills training and mentorship platform that matches diverse attorneys -- women, minorities, the disabled & LGBQT+ --, from law firms to decision-making in-house counsel at global brands in a safe, supportive & intimate meeting space.
Our October series launches with a Covid19 driven RFP scenario and then culminates in a live, one-hour pitch before two (2) assigned “buyer” panels of general and senior in-house counsels. The scenario touches across M&A, litigation, commercial real estate, and IP law matters.
Prior to pitch day, your firm will designate a cross-disciplinary team of approximately five (5) diverse attorneys. Your pitching team will then begin its digital journey with a bespoke executive coaching program, designed by our exclusive partner, Yate Advisors. In addition, there will be two (2) virtual networking sessions for all of our participants -- peer law firms & in-house counsels.
Post-pitch, your firm will receive a digital version of your team’s pitches; a comprehensive evaluation memo from your assigned “buyer” panels; an anonymized performance benchmark index to gauge your firm’s competitive standing; and ongoing digital access to our global & virtual in-house counsel bench for year-round engagement.