Date & Time
Thursday, February 1, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Law Firm Data Maturity Model: Is Your Firm Being Left Behind?

Staying ahead of the competition is a constant refrain law firms hear, but how do they know if they are in front of the curve or falling behind when it comes to data maturity? This session will provide attendees with a copy of the Law Firm Data Maturity Model, as well as an assessment tool to determine their firm’s data maturity and the steps needed to reach the next level. Discussion topics include:

  • An overview of the Law Firm Data Maturity Model and the corresponding data journey
  • Insights from law firm leaders who have made progress toward achieving data maturity
  • Perspectives from experts who have worked with law firms at different maturity stages
  • Best practices and pitfalls to avoid throughout the law firm data journey


Location Name
Sutton North