Full Name
Stephen Kingsley
Job Title
Former Senior Managing Director
FTI Consulting
Speaker Bio
Stephen Kingsley, Former Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting spent the first thirty years of his career in Arthur Andersen’s financial services practice first as auditor, then consultant and appointed as head of the global financial services practice in 2000. In 2007 Stephen joined what is now FTI Consulting to practice as an expert witness in financial services disputes. He has acted in that capacity in a wide variety of financial services ‘commercial’ and regulatory matters most of which could be characterised as focussed on ‘what does good look like’. Whilst at FTI, he established a regulatory consulting practice. He also has held five appointments as a non-executive director. Stephen retired from FTI in mid-2017 but continues to accept expert witness roles, where necessary supported by firms such as FTI.
Stephen Kingsley