Full Name
Praseeda Nambiar
Job Title
Managing Director
DLA Piper
Speaker Bio
Praseeda Nambiar focuses her practice on complex global sourcing and technology transactions.

She has worked at both leading global law firms as well as top technology and outsourcing companies for over 15 years, including in positions based in India and New York. She has a wide range of experience involving outsourcing transactions, such as ITO, AD/AM, BPO, F&A, HRO, FM, infrastructure and networks, as well as with digital transformation projects involving cloud, analytics, XaaS, cybersecurity, robotic process automation (RPA) and other emerging technologies. Praseeda is currently part of a team of DLA Piper lawyers, helping a major U.S car company with its connected car program.

Praseeda helps clients achieve a commercially robust and successful long-term partnership, and her experience spans deals across India, the Philippines, China, Brazil, Eastern Europe and South America, in a range of industries including energy, banking, finance, insurance, health care, retail, real estate, telecommunications and technology.
Praseeda Nambiar