International Private Client Forum 2019: Knowledge Hub

Navigating The Complexities of High Net-worth Mortgages

It might initially seem counterintuitive to some, but high net-worth (HNW) individuals often face difficulty when securing mortgages. It is, in fact, common for those with a net-worth in the millions to still find themselves turned away by lenders when seeking credit.

In February 2019, Butterfield Mortgages Limited (BML) commissioned independent research to reveal the true extent of this issue. The survey received responses from more than 500 HNW individuals in the UK, all of whom own assets worth in excess of £1 million. It found that one in nine (12%) had been refused a mortgage in the past decade.

It poses the question: why are even the richest members of society deemed unsuitable by conventional mortgages lenders? Furthermore, how can HNWs and their brokers successfully navigate the complexities of this market?

Smith & Williamson - Family Business Survey

Engaging the next generation for business-owning families has always been necessary; now it has the added context of increasing human longevity. Our survey aims to reveal a range of insights into the challenges faced by families in their intra-generational planning.