Full Name
Averil Edwards
Job Title
Managing Counsel - Environmental & Sustainability
United Airlines, Inc.
Speaker Bio
Self-directed senior legal counsel with significant experience leading legal and policy matters related to sustainability projects and environmental compliance. Adept at providing strategic legal counsel with sound business acumen on a wide variety of regulatory compliance and policy matters focusing on environmental, health & safety, sustainability and climate change. Demonstrated success in leading negotiation of a wide range of commercial agreements including agreements for procurement of sustainable aviation fuel and the transfer of greenhouse gas reduction attributes and credits, environmental and sustainability provisions of commercial real estate leases, licenses, access agreements, and purchase/sale agreements, and environmental and sustainability aspects of investments and financings.

Proven ability to work collaboratively within multidisciplinary executive teams, provide strategic advice, and build consensus. Boardroom experience as a board member and chair of real estate leases and agreements committee of a municipal corporation with a multi-million-dollar budget. Board director, Secretary, and Finance Committee member of non-profit organization.
Averil Edwards