Future Proofing Your Organization to Minimize the Impact of Your Next Crisis
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

As a present-day legal leader, it may feel like you are facing one crisis after another and while you have become adept at handling these situations, it's important for GCs to take a proactive approach to prevent future crisis rather than believing their value lies in the quality of their response to the crisis. This panel will focus on strategies leaders should implement to help their teams get ahead of a crisis, minimize its impact and avoid it as much as possible overall. While you can't always predict what's coming around the corner for your organization, you will walk away from this session with tools that help leaders shift to rewarding efforts in preparing for and minimizing future crises.


Michael Rispin Ryan Harding Michael Andolina Lisa Diaz
Location Name
Zurich E
Full Address
Swissotel Chicago
323 E Wacker Dr
Chicago, IL 60601
United States