Opening Keynote: Embrace Your Zone of Genius with Intention & Integrity
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

You have a Zone of Genius. Your Zone of Genius isn't merely a skill you learned or a talent you possess. It encompasses the unique culmination of your life journey including your background, education, and experiences. The result is there are things you do uniquely and effortlessly that ONLY you do in the exact way you do them. Effortlessness is the key to where your Zone of Genius lives. Because it is effortless, you may not realize when you are operating in your genius zone, but you should. As the world becomes increasingly uncertain, embracing your Zone of Genius will help you move forward with intention and integrity as a leader.

Lakeshia Ekeigwe
Location Name
Zurich ABCD
Full Address
Swissotel Chicago
323 E Wacker Dr
Chicago, IL 60601
United States