Flexible work arrangements, including working from home, remote working, flexi-hours and part time roles, are being increasingly explored within businesses. This dramatic shift in approach has been partly driven by the differences in workforce composition, rise in digital platforms and technology, introduction of co-working spaces and the sharp increase in workspace rental prices. There is much debate at the moment over the role and impact these flexible work arrangements play in business. However increasingly we are seeing a positive improvement in productivity, employee satisfaction, and mental health and well-being.
Moderator: Stephanie Dillon, Co-Founder, Reignite Academy
Stephanie Wallace, Head of Legal, RateSetter
Georgina McManus, Global General Counsel, Manolo Blahnik
Lucie Grant, Senior Director and Regional Senior Corporate Counsel UK & Ireland, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Katie Power, General Counsel, Crabtree & Evelyn