Date & Time
Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Don't Be the Next Headline! Effectively Identifying and Steering Clear of Antitrust Violations

In recent years, the field of antitrust has undergone significant transformations, reshaping the way businesses operate and compete in the market. The original thinking of just staying within the realms of the law is no longer acceptable as antitrust authorities continue to shift their priorities, so how do you stay protected against unpredictable regulators? Join our experts as they delve into the latest developments and emerging trends in antitrust regulations and enforcement, and offer insights into how organizations can mitigate antitrust risks while still remaining in a suitable antitrust framework.


Jeny Maier Molly Wilkens Andowah Newton Kimberly Brown Melanie Hallas Kirsch
Location Name
Room - S103D