402 IoT Liability Issues
Date & Time
Thursday, October 17, 2019, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Lynda Bennett Carolyn McNerney Tamara Snowdon Patricia Sunar
The connectivity allowed by the Internet of Things (IoT) may make our personal and professional lives much easier but, for liability attorneys it raises some red flag.Plus with a lack of guidance from federal regulators like the FTC and the FCC there is often more questions than answers. If a data breach occurs at a business; who is liable? Does liability fall on the business, the manufacturer of the device, or the creator of the software? More cases like this are beginning to arise and this session will examine liability concerns in the age of connectivity. -Understanding the differences for the legal department between IoT and other recent tech advancement - Review Current guidelines around IoT liability and potential legislation - Strategies for protecting your organization