Building a Robust Cybersecurity Framework: Taking Proactive Measures to Defend Against Cyber Crime
Date & Time
Monday, August 12, 2024, 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Peta Jones, General Counsel - OSINT Combine
Serryn O'Regan, Executive Manager Governance & General Counsel - Evolve College
Serryn O'Regan, Executive Manager Governance & General Counsel - Evolve College

In light of the significant data breaches seen in Australia in recent years, it is increasingly vital that legal departments take the right steps to avoid data incidents and extra scrutiny. With breaches becoming more frequent, GCs are expected to lead the way in data governance and retention, as well as safeguarding their organisations from falling into cybersecurity traps. During this session, our expert panelists will share best practices and resources to support in-house counsel to build a robust cybersecurity framework that drives compliance and proactively prepares organisations to defend themselves against cyber attacks.