UK & USA Independent Legal Scene Update
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Gina Passarella Paul Hodkinson

Hear in-depth analysis from our esteemed UK and USA Editors-in-Chief on what is happening in the two most influential legal markets in the world. Covering the dynamics at play; winners and losers and why; how the role of clients is changing and what you as law firm leaders need to know about the market. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Close observations of the market: Hires, moves, reshuffles, trends, geopolitics, and disrupters
  • What is the role of the independent law firm relative to the world and what practice or solutions are bearing fruit?
  • Insights into the UK and USA domestic positioning, global expansion plans, and the latest analysis into the world markets
  • How do the independent law firms across UK and USA compare and is the pecking order changing with rising competition and market changes?