Date & Time
Friday, November 10, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Tax Technology Update

In this session, we will explore a diverse range of topics aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of tax management for banks. We will begin with a deep dive into tech strategy, discussing various approaches to optimizing the tax function through technology. This will include insights on talent and training, addressing the essential human aspect of tech integration. We'll then move on to uncover low-hanging fruit for automation, including the use of connected workpapers, leveraging existing technology tools like Alteryx and PowerBI, implementing dashboards to elevate the review and reporting processes, exploring the KPMG Basel III tool, and considering apportionment strategies.

This session will also explore strategies to enhance data quality including enterprise resource planning. Finally, we'll peer into the future, exploring newer technologies such as Snowflake and generative AI, providing attendees with a glimpse of the evolving tech landscape and its potential impact on tax management within the banking sector.

Raj Sanghera Elizabeth L'Hommedieu Amit Ringshia Lauren Wade